Year 2020

The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

Gurdip Singh UsmaWaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

To say that the last few months of 2020 have been “a very trying period” is probably an understatement. We have never experienced anything like this in our lives. The last such pandemic was about 100 years ago when the Spanish Flu hit the world in 1918-1919 and about 50 million people died. COVID-19 has brought almost every country in the world to its knees and about two thirds of the world is in some form of lockdown. Governments all over the world are trying to do all they can to help contain the virus and as they realize that the economic fallout from COVID-19 will be severe, they are providing all kinds of financial support to prevent the pandemic from also turning into an economic disaster. Singapore is no exception.

Unfortunately, in situations like this, the less privileged and vulnerable are affected even more than the average person. To make things worse, the ability of social service organisations like Sikh Welfare Council to provide good service is further curtailed by the circuit breaker and social distancing requirements. We have to be creative in the way we deliver our services to ensure that our beneficiaries’ interest is fully taken care of and they receive all the help they need.

Whilst the government of Singapore has come forward with some assistance for those who are financially disadvantaged due to COVID-19, in the spirit of Chardikala and Sarbat Da Bhalla, SIWEC has tried to go the extra mile to enhance their service delivery modes. This is to ensure that there is no lack of required services to SIWEC beneficiaries and the community at large.

Bereavement Services – Live Streaming of Funerals

The circuit breaker and social distancing rules stipulated that only 10 family members are able to attend funerals, Gurdwara prayers and Path Da Bhog thereafter. In order to enable more relatives and friends to attend the funerals, SIWEC has arranged for the funerals to be live-streamed for all to participate from their homes. The cost of this live streaming service is borne by the Sikh Community in Singapore and not by the bereaved family.

Government COVID-19 Financial Assistance Schemes

Awareness of all the government schemes available as part of the COVID-19 Relief Budgets is a big challenge to the less educated. We have been helping our beneficiaries and any new client who approach us to understand the various government assistance schemes (especially for those who lost their jobs or their income streams due to COVID-19) and to assist them with making the necessary applications for what they are eligible for.

Family Support Services

While we are not able to visit our clients physically, we keep regular contact with them via voice and video calls to ensure their well-being. We have also converted the monthly NTUC food vouchers into cash subsidies during this period. The amount is transferred directly into bank accounts to avoid having beneficiaries travel to collect their vouchers or subsidies. We have been working very closely with Gurdwaras to ensure that families who are unable to cook food at home are being placed on the various Gurdwara Langgar Programs to have meals delivered to their homes.

We have actively used social media to reach out to those who need help, and have joined hands with #SGSewa to try to help out those in need during this difficult time; all with the hope that no one falls through the cracks.

Prison Counselling and Aftercare Services

While the Prison authorities have stopped all counselling visits during this period, we have recorded Shabads for the inmates to listen in lieu of counselling, trying to keep them connected with Guruji in these trying times.

Healthcare Services and Senior Citizen Activities

Our Healthcare Ambassador has been regularly calling and following up on the well-being of all our seniors living alone in their own homes or in Old Folks Homes. We have also arranged for meals to be delivered from Gurdwaras for those that need them during this time. While the physical activities of our Senior Citizens have been curtailed since February as this is a very vulnerable age group, our volunteers have been sending active ageing and exercise videos to our seniors through social media chat groups to keep them engaged and busy at home, whilst still keeping fit.

Education Support Services

Most teaching and tuition classes have been switched to home-based learning to ensure lessons do not stop.

Administration via Online Services

To avoid disruption to our operations, all of our meetings, consultations and interviews are now being done remotely using technology apps like Zoom, Google Meet, Video Calls, etc. We sincerely apologize to the community and any beneficiary if we have fallen short in our services due to these COVID-19 difficulties. We hope that together we will overcome this pandemic and pull through these difficult times. We look forward to the times when we will be able to serve the needs of the community under normal circumstances again. A big thank you to all Sikh Institutions, service providers, government agencies, our donors, volunteers, staff and committee members for your great support to SIWEC.

Stay Home & Stay Safe 

In Guru Ji’s Seva
Gurdip Singh Usma
Chairman, Sikh Welfare Council


Sikh Welfare Council

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