Year 2020

Our Services Continue Despite Covid-19, in True Chardi-Kala Spirit

Gurdip Singh Usma

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Covid-19 continues to affect almost every country in the world. It has introduced a new normal to our daily lives. While the situation in Singapore is somewhat better now than it was during the circuit breaker (CB) in June, this will continue to drive the way we do things in the upcoming months and well into 2021. Wearing masks, social distancing, working from home and avoiding crowded places are practices that will stay with us for some time to come.

Government assistance, such as the Job Support Scheme, additional financial help to those who have lost their jobs, funding to organisations providing remote services, etc., have helped save jobs and provide for those in need. While helping our clients during the CB period was extra challenging, every effort was made to ensure that those who needed help, received it. In addition to the usual assistance provided by SIWEC, we also worked with other Sikh institutions and volunteer groups, like #SGSewa, the Langgar Outreach Program (LOP) and Langgar Pick Up Program (LPU), to increase our outreach.

Currently, our SIWEC staff team is back at work, but social distancing measures and other movement restrictions continue to hamper our services. In the spirit of Chardi-Kala and Sarbat da Bhalla, we continue to seek creative ways to deliver our services, ensure our beneficiaries’ interests are fully taken care of, and render help where it is needed.


Bereavement Service – Live Streaming of Funerals

Although the number of attendees allowed at funerals has increased from 10 in April to 20 in July and 30 in August, this remains a limiting factor for friends and relatives who want to bid farewell in person. Meanwhile, we continue to make live streaming available to all families. This service was initially fully funded as a Community Service between May and June. Since July, we have offered live streaming as an option for all bereaved families at a lowered cost of $400. This service has been quite well received as travel restrictions continue to obstruct overseas-based family members from returning to Singapore to be with their loved ones at short notice.

Government Covid-19 Financial Assistance Schemes

We continue to assist our beneficiaries and any new clients who approach us, and help them better understand the various government assistance schemes (especially for those who have recently lost their jobs or their income streams due to Covid-19), while also advising them on application processes based on their eligibility.

Family Support Services

While we have resumed visiting our clients on a limited basis, we also keep regular contact with them via voice and video calls to check on their well-being.

Prison Counselling & Aftercare Services

Prison authorities have recently allowed counselling sessions to resume, subject to all counsellors observing social distancing and mask requirements. We are grateful to be able to engage Sikh inmates again and keep them connected with Guruji in these trying times.

Healthcare Services and Senior Citizen Activities

As our seniors are more vulnerable to Covid-19, our on-site activities continue to be curtailed. We have gradually resumed visiting our senior clients on a limited basis. However, for most of them, we keep regular contact via voice and video calls to ensure their well-being.

Those who need meals continue to receive them from the Gurdwaras. We have also been sending exercise and positive mental health videos via social media chat groups to urge our beloved seniors to stay engaged, active and fit.

Education Support

During the CB period, almost all teaching and tuition classes were switched to home-based learning, delivered via online platforms. It was through this process that SSEF realised the lack of proper infrastructure and equipment to deliver high-quality education. To ensure that our children’s education does not suffer due to the shortfall, SIWEC funded the purchase of 25 laptop computers at $24,500. These were provided to SSEF teachers to enhance and sustain the delivery of the Punjabi Language programme.

Loss of Mr S Jagjit Singh Sekhon, a Pillar of the Sikh Community and SIWEC

In the midst of Covid-19, the Sikh community and SIWEC in particular experienced the loss of our former Chairman Mr S Jagjit Singh Sekhon. His strong leadership in the community and his passion for helping, not only SIWEC clients but all who needed help, will remain a cherished memory by all. It is a void that will not be easily filled. All of us at SIWEC express our deepest heartfelt condolences to his family.

In closing, we sincerely apologise to the community and any beneficiary for where we may have fallen short in our services during the Covid-19 difficulties. We hope that, together, we will overcome this pandemic and pull through these hard times. We look forward to resuming our full services in order to address the needs of the community.

A big thank you to all Sikh institutions, service providers, government agencies, our donors, volunteers, staff, and committee members for your continued support in SIWEC's work.

Stay Home & Stay Safe

In Guru Ji’s Seva
Gurdip Singh Usma
Chairman, Sikh Welfare Council


Sikh Welfare Council

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